전체 글
# CentOS7_Third > Ubuntu 마운트 Ubuntu mount apt -y install nfs-kernel-server systemctl restart nfs-server systemctl enable nfs-server systemctl stop firewalld mkdir /share chmod 707 /share cd /share touch test1 vim /etc/exports > /share 192.168.111.*(rw,sync) systemctl restart nfs-server exportfs -v CentOS7_Third systemctl restart nfs-server systemctl status nfs-server systemctl enable nfs-server ..
CentOS7 NFS mount# CentOS7_Third > Ubuntu 마운트 Ubuntu mount apt -y install nfs-kernel-server systemctl restart nfs-server systemctl enable nfs-server systemctl stop firewalld mkdir /share chmod 707 /share cd /share touch test1 vim /etc/exports > /share 192.168.111.*(rw,sync) systemctl restart nfs-server exportfs -v CentOS7_Third systemctl restart nfs-server systemctl status nfs-server systemctl enable nfs-server ..
2022.04.20 -
# CentOS7_Third > CentOS7_First 마운트 NFS 설정 (CentOS7_First) yum -y install nfs-utils systemctl restart nfs-server systemctl status nfs-server systemctl enable nfs-server mkdir /share chmod 707 /share cd /share touch test1 netstat -natlp | grep rpc lsof -i tcp:111 # nfs는 rpc라고 붙는다 vim /etc/exports > /share 192.168.111.*(rw,sync) # 192.168.111.* 대역만 폴더 공유한다 / 쓰고읽기 가능 systemctl restart nfs-server ex..
CentOS7 NFS mount# CentOS7_Third > CentOS7_First 마운트 NFS 설정 (CentOS7_First) yum -y install nfs-utils systemctl restart nfs-server systemctl status nfs-server systemctl enable nfs-server mkdir /share chmod 707 /share cd /share touch test1 netstat -natlp | grep rpc lsof -i tcp:111 # nfs는 rpc라고 붙는다 vim /etc/exports > /share 192.168.111.*(rw,sync) # 192.168.111.* 대역만 폴더 공유한다 / 쓰고읽기 가능 systemctl restart nfs-server ex..
2022.04.20 -
# CLI 환경 ftp yum -y install epel-release yum -y install ncftp ncftp dir cd pub/ get test # 다운로드 명령어 mv test test1234 put test1234 # 업로드 명령어
CentOS7 CLI 환경 FTP# CLI 환경 ftp yum -y install epel-release yum -y install ncftp ncftp dir cd pub/ get test # 다운로드 명령어 mv test test1234 put test1234 # 업로드 명령어
2022.04.20 -
# pure-ftpd yum -y install pure-ftpd systemctl restart pure-ftpd vim /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf 77 NoAnonymous no 287 AnonymousCantUpload no systemctl restart pure-ftpd
CentOS7 pure-ftpd# pure-ftpd yum -y install pure-ftpd systemctl restart pure-ftpd vim /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf 77 NoAnonymous no 287 AnonymousCantUpload no systemctl restart pure-ftpd
2022.04.20 -
# Vsftpd 설치 yum -y install vsftpd rpm -qa | grep vsftpd #설치 확인 systemctl restart vsftpd systemctl enable vsftpd systemctl status vsftpd cd /var/ftp #ftp 파일 확인 cd pub cp /boot/vmlinuz-0-rescue-0980594ad40741459f50ed86e038e729 test setenforce 0 firewall-config > Run/영구적 둘다 ftp 선택 vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf # vsftpd 설정 파일 29 anon_upload_enable=YES 30 # 31 # Uncomment this if you want the anonymous..
CentOS7 Vsftpd 설치 , Ubuntu Vsftpd 설치# Vsftpd 설치 yum -y install vsftpd rpm -qa | grep vsftpd #설치 확인 systemctl restart vsftpd systemctl enable vsftpd systemctl status vsftpd cd /var/ftp #ftp 파일 확인 cd pub cp /boot/vmlinuz-0-rescue-0980594ad40741459f50ed86e038e729 test setenforce 0 firewall-config > Run/영구적 둘다 ftp 선택 vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf # vsftpd 설정 파일 29 anon_upload_enable=YES 30 # 31 # Uncomment this if you want the anonymous..
2022.04.20 -
# DB와 web 분리 구축 # 서버 구축 CentOS7 First vmware # 브릿지 설정 centos newwork Adapter - nat에서 bridged로 변경 vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 BOOTPROTO="static" IPADDR= NETMASK= GATEWAY= DNS1= systemctl restart network # httpd, php, mariadb, mariadb-server, php-mysqlnd 설치 yum -y install httpd php mariadb mariadb-server php-mysqlnd systemctl restart ht..
CentOS7 웹 서버와 DB서버 따로 구축 후 연동# DB와 web 분리 구축 # 서버 구축 CentOS7 First vmware # 브릿지 설정 centos newwork Adapter - nat에서 bridged로 변경 vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 BOOTPROTO="static" IPADDR= NETMASK= GATEWAY= DNS1= systemctl restart network # httpd, php, mariadb, mariadb-server, php-mysqlnd 설치 yum -y install httpd php mariadb mariadb-server php-mysqlnd systemctl restart ht..